
Sign this petition to get a free cp membership at

Good luck!!!

8 Responses to “Petition”

  1. jjpjjg Says:

    i should have member ship because its not fair to nonmembers and it just takes all the fun away and it should only cost 1,000 cions i havent been playing that long but id rather have a funer experince and so should the others i tottaly agree with you so please (i dont even get allowance and its unfair dude)

  2. Turtlehead52 Says:

    Club penguin just isn’t fun unless you are a member. Yes i understand membership is so the clubpenguin team get munny but the cp team could make a club where you have to pay munny to get in it just ain’t fun. I have 10,000 cois and nothing to spend it on. Also penguins don’t know if the other penguins are boy or girl inless they are wearing boy or girl clothes. MAKE CLUBPENGUIN FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. ali Says:

    can you please make me a free mebership in club penguin if you you are the best fo them all

  4. masked wonde Says:

    I think membership should be free as well members get all the fun when we only get free items, back grounds and colours.
    ps.please tell me member names and passwords

  5. okY Says:

    my name is 123hesham

  6. manwich22 Says:

    im poor and i really want a club penguen membership plzzzzzzz

  7. singing4evr Says:

    yeah! i don’t like that you have to pay! p.s. my cp name is beebee63. thanx!

  8. LollipopGrl Says:

    Can u plz make clubpenguin FREE!!!!!! I can’t afford to pay!! i do not think it’s fair. Members r shalow. they make fun of non members. p.s my username is australia302

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